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Narrative Designer | Asset Artist

November 2018 - December 2018


My main roles on the team were narrative designer and supporting asset artist. My team consisted of myself, Jessica Tse (director), Alex Song (producer), and Jingyi Zhang (gameplay and mechanics designer).


Suisen (Japanese word for the Narcissus flower) is a 3-player identity-guessing roleplaying game. The premise of Suisen is that the 3 players are each Japanese high school students in parallel worlds going on a graduation trip in the mountains. Each of the students find a lake and see an image of someone reflected there. Much like how Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection, the students fall in love with the person they see on the lake's surface. However, could this reflection be themselves?


The objective of the game is to have the fated match be together and the players must meet certain conditions to make this love happen, including avoiding falling in love with themselves.


This game was created for the CTIN 488 Game Design Workshop final project.


Suisen All Assets.JPG
Suisen Character Cards.JPG
Suisen Location and Event Cards.JPG
Suisen Hearts Jump Leave.JPG


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