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Deep Space Relay Race

Deep Space Race Box.jpg

Deep Space Relay Race is a game created for the CTIN 488 Toy Assignment. The toys my team and I received were plastic toy guns with flyers and spinning tops that they could shoot.


The main goal was the utilize as many affordances of the flyer guns, the flyers, and the spinning tops as possible. What resulted was a 4-player relay race game in which players split into teams of 2 to race each other to get their flyers and tops to the finish line first. 1 of the players on each team acted as obstacles and their other teammate had to shoot a flyer or top to their arms or between their legs, depending on where they were aiming.


Our original prototype was more akin to golf and we used cardboard hoops as goals.


I worked as co-designers with Marlena Skall, Alex Song, and Frankie Serrano.


Deep Space Relay Race_edited.png
Original Box for Deep Space Relay Race_e


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